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Web Design Referral Program
For each referral you send our way, which results in a paid account, you will receive a cash reward or an account credit (whichever you choose). It's that simple!

Project Total Referral Reward

$350 - $35  

$500 - $50

$750 - $75

$1000 - $100

> $1001 - 15%

Terms & Conditions

1. Referral payments are only applicable on NEW website design projects. Referral payments will not apply to referrals sent in AFTER a proposal has been sent or a contract has been established.

2. Referral fees apply to website design / development projects only. Referral fees will not be issued for hosting, maintenance work, logo design, graphic design or any other service other than website design or development.

3. Only one (1) Referral Fee will be applied per website. Should an account be referred by more than one "Referrer," payment will be equally split between the parties.

4. It is the sole responsibility of the "Referrer" to notify JARDS Enterprises, Ltd. of the referral BEFORE the contract is established. You WILL NOT receive credit for the referral if we are notified after the contract has already been signed and the project has already begun. If you would like to notify us of a referral, please fill out the form on the left. You may also notify us by phone or email.

5. A "Referrer" cannot submit their own website or any website that is currently or will be owned by the "Referrer".

6. The referral fee will be paid out once JARDS Enterprises, Ltd. has received full payment from the referred account. Checks are issued once monthly at the discretion of JARDS Enterprises, Ltd.

7. JARDS Enterprises, Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to our referral policy or to cancel our referral policy at any time.

8. Referring a project to JARDS Enterprises, Ltd. constitutes your full acceptance of the terms set forth above.

Submit a Referral